Monday, 17 October 2016 23:24

[精選優惠] Brooks Redemption Program 2016

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- SPIbelt 8.9寸多用途貼身跑步腰包 (價值$269)

- Xtenes 彈性鞋帶一對 (價值$99)

- Hammer Nutrition Fizz 電解片13粒裝一筒(價值$59)

- PARA'Kito 防蚊啫喱Unidoese 2ml 五包(價值$45)



- CompresSport V2.1 壓力全襪筒一對(價值$490)

- SPIbelt 8.9寸多用途貼身跑步腰包 (價值$269)

- Xtenes 彈性鞋帶一對 (價值$99)

- Hammer Nutrition Fizz 電解片13粒裝一筒(價值$59)

- PARA'Kito 防蚊啫喱Unidoese 2ml 五包(價值$45) 



各項"Terms & Conditions"會以Active Brands Asia Ltd.為準。詳情如下︰

Terms & Conditions:

1. This offer only applies for purchases of Brooks shoes made at our appointed retailers from 8th Oct 2016 till 31st Dec 2016.

2. Original receipt must be presented and will be collected upon gift redemption. No photocopy, fax or any other copies will be accepted.

3. This redemption offer is non-refundable, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exchangeable and non-replaceable if lost, stolen or damaged.

4. Gifts which are not redeemed within the redemption period will be forfeited with no entitlement to refund or exchange.

5. Active Brands Asia Ltd.’s decision on all matters relating to its offers, gifts,  discounts, complimentary items, vouchers, rebates, redemption and privileges shall be final and binding.

6. In case of disputes, Active Brands Asia Ltd. reserves the right to final decision.


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  Shop 11-12, 1/F, Prudential Centre, 216-228,

  Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon


   九龍 佐敦 彌敦道 216-228號 

    恆豐中心 1樓 11-12舖

Tel: (852) 2111 0706